In the framework of Innovation HUB project - funded by the Italian-Albanian Development Cooperation Programme, lead by the Ministry of Innovation and Public Administration - was organized on 07 July 2016 by Barleti Institute for Research and Development the training “Innovative people and Networking”.
The training was conducted by Mrs. Landa Grembi - Business Management and Technology Expert.
The purpose of the training
The purpose of the event was to orientate the youth and individuals with innovative ideas in the development of products and services, such as markets and existing customers for new opportunities.
The objectives
• What means the Telecommunications industry today, with the term "innovation"?
• How to create and develop an innovative idea?
• What needs an innovative idea to succeed?
• What is the proper approach to an individual idea or Innovator?
• What are the criteria for assessing the suitability of innovative ideas in the telecommunications industry?
Topics treated were more relevant for the young entrepreneur who served as network, support to develop their contacts and resources. It proposed a structured process for the development of innovative ideas. They informed the youth that Telekom Albania develops programs to support young entrepreneurs and innovators. The event served audiences as counseling and mentoring shape not only their ideas and projects but also in the design of their careers.